"The walls are crumbling for these people"

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on July 16, 2005 at 10:21:51:

In Reply to: Re: Yeah, go get'em... posted by manualblock on July 16, 2005 at 08:38:02:

You might have a better case if and when your side wins and election. You guys haven't won one in a while. If the walls are crumbling then the bricks are falling on the liberals heads.

Problem is you guys never debate with facts. Let's take a look at what you seem to be saying in response to my post about catching two Al Qaeda leaders in Iraq. You don't like this fact because it doesn't fit your "Saddam was a nice guy who had nothing to do with terrorists" theory. So you seem to say that the terrorists came into Iraq after the war. Why would they do that? So let's see, a bunch of terrorists are sitting around deciding how they can kill Americans. Their choices are numerous. They can bomb trains, fly planes into buildings etc. But these guys decide "hey, let's sneak into Iraq and fight the full force of the American, British and coalition militaries, yeah that's the ticket! Makes no sense.

I haven't seen any of these so called "sunny stories" from the liberal press you talk about. Please supply a link. Anyone can say anything. Let's see something.

Regarding fillabustering because they don't want to discuss Iraq. Hmm let's see. I bring up Iraq and the terrorist caught there. You change the subject to Carl Rove, then missing social security money (??), then the media not covering for Bush with sonny stories. Seems to me that it is you that is changing the subject.

Let's face it. Your side is losing and losing big time. People are no longer buying the liberal propaganda spewed fourth buy the liberal media machine. The big news networks are losing there grip over the American people. Look at the facts. It's the Democrats that have absolutely no agenda. All they can do is attack the other side. "Don't vote for us because we have good ideas and can solve the countries problems. Vote for us because the other side is bad. Look at all the dirt we dug up on them" Please it doesn't work anymore. You side had control of congress for 40 years! Where did it get us? All of the problems you now complain about.

The problem is your sides agenda is always a failure. Liberal ideas almost never work. Because they are based on feeling good and not reality. "Can't we all just get alone" puke, barf. Saddam was given how many chances to comply with the United Nations resolutions? How many resolutions did he break? 15? 25?. Liberal response "a couple more resolutions and then he will comply you'll see". A joke. What is it they say is the sign of stupidity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. That pretty much sums up the whole liberal agenda.


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