Almost agree

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Posted by colinhester [ ] on July 16, 2005 at 18:04:05:

In Reply to: This is a huge problem with both sides... posted by Mr Vinyl on July 16, 2005 at 17:31:16:

Hillary is not a stupid woman, and I would not consider her or her run for President as a "joke."

I do believe our borbers do need to be shut down NOW. Not with guns, but help the Mexican people make Mexico a place they want to live. For the most part, most Mexicans I have had contact with are a very proud and hard working group of people. Example: there are two new houses being built behind me right now. One house framed by an American crew and the other by a Mexican crew. The Mexican crew works from sun up to sun down six days a week. The American crew works from 8 or 9 until maybe 4:30. The Mexican crew is now on their second house.

I agree that the situation in Califirnia is out of control (as well as other southern states.) Something must be done. I believe the governmnet must go after those whom employee ILLEGALS. You cannot blame a group of people trying to better their lives.

For the record, President Carter was pro-military; he was a 1946 graduate of the Naval Academy.

Just curious, who is your front-runner for the Republican Party's candidate in 2008? Condi? I think she would be a formidable candidate and a good President......Colin


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