Re: Almost agree

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on July 16, 2005 at 18:42:18:

In Reply to: Almost agree posted by colinhester on July 16, 2005 at 18:04:05:

Carter was Pro military? Now that's funny.

Hillary's run for president is a joke. If you don't thinks so, and the Democrats are stupid enough to nominate her then you'll see how much she loses by.

Your theory that Mexicans are more hard working than Americans is also propaganda. Americans built our nation to what it is. Have you been to Mexico lately? Americans have to abide by American laws. Law breaking illegal emigrants don't have too. Yes that's right law breaking illegal's. They are criminals just being in American illegally. I could care less if the serial killer down the block from me was a hard working business man that helped out his community. He is still a murderer.

Condi has about as much chance as Hillary. For-get-about-it. I think it's going to be Jeb! That's right the Democrats worst nightmare.


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