Re: Yeah, go get'em...

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on July 16, 2005 at 08:38:02:

In Reply to: Yeah, go get'em... posted by wunhuanglo on July 16, 2005 at 03:26:16:

The walls are crumbling for these people; Iraq is a write-off, even those sunny stories we used to get from the national press of soldiers winning the hearts and minds and 60% of the country is safe seem lately to have diminished and more truthfull assesments are now emerging of the terrible state that country is in.
If you notice the vitriolic nature of the rightwing media is slowly ratcheting up as they realise the people are waking up to their propoganda. I love it because if you watch the talking heads they are trying to overcome the negativity by increasing the speed of their speech and the hammering of single issue points in every speech regardless of content. Ask about Iraq and they fillibuster and try to force in Supreme Court/Social Security/Hillary Clinton sucks/the Ten Commandments ad infinitem. It shows they hate to have to accept responsibility and it gives the appearence of small children defending their toys with extreme reactions to minor slights. They are sinking their own ship; ain't it great!
Thats why I say let them talk; they are causing the American people to realise how morally bankrupt and desperate they are the more they respond.


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