Re: American Politics

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Posted by Young Republican [ ] on May 20, 2005 at 00:08:02:

In Reply to: Re: American Politics posted by manualblock on May 19, 2005 at 09:34:01:

There are Section 8 apartments in every city filled with drug dealers and prostitutes getting subsidized with public moneys. This doesn't require a person to be one step away from the grave and is horribly abused.

The people that could really use program like this usually get back on their feet in a short period of time. Someone that actually contributes to society and just has a temporary problem will solve it eventually. They need emergency assistence only.

Section 8 style entitlements simply don't work. Same thing with food stamps. The acceptance procedure takes several months to go through so the only people that get them are "professional" welfare recipients. They are people that get themselves setup for life.

The politicians that voted in these kinds of programs obviously didn't think them through. They might be a good campaign platform for a dem but as a real social assistance program, they can't possibly do any good. The only people on them are long term welfare recipients. There are no emergency plans for the truly needy, only plans for people that contribute nothing and are the same as street panhandlers. Except of course, these people have their panhandling down to an art.

No Repulican would vote for something like this. It is the dems that put plans like this into effect. It hurts the working class by taking food off their plates and giving it to the dope dealers and panhandlers that have taken the time to get setup on Section 8 and food stamps.


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