Re: American Politics

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 19, 2005 at 09:34:01:

In Reply to: American Politics posted by Young Republican on May 19, 2005 at 02:06:56:

First let me say that the above is perfectly alright to debate because it is your opinion and your feelings. Not a fact attack.
Welfare; for all intents and purposes no longer exists. To get on welfare you have to be one step from the grave nowadays. If you are on welfare in these times, you need it. It is so difficult and horrible of an experience that only the most desperate succumb.
Not to be confrontational but there is a case to be made that farm subsidies is a big welfare program and most of the recipients are very wealthy landowners; as well as huge government tax relief programs for the energy industry and the pharmaceutical industry. Who do you think picks up those tax burdens? It ain't Donald Trump.
I think you are confusing Communism with Socialism. The latter seeks to provide basic needs to all by allocating revenue in a fair manner.
Would you eliminate childrens school lunch programs for indigent parents. My point is when these kinds of programs are eliminated; it is usually to create a benefit for the more affluent who really do not need the help in order to burden the less able with higher financial responsibilities.
If you believe in the law of the jungle; that only the strong survive(where you state that we should let the weaker members of our country sink) then fine; but don't try and call it civilisation.
All politicians do what they do to get elected; assigning nefarious agendas to the democrats exclusively is naive'.
Here's my beef. The Republican Party stood for over 100 yrs. for; Less Government.
That means less taxes
Less involvement in personal lives.
Less regulatory restrictions on business.
Fiscal responsibility.
More power to state government.

The current administration has;
Raised taxes by cutting all funding to the states while createing mandated programs that cost huge amount of money.
Created a whole new department of govt. in the Homeland Security Dept. then forced the funding onto the states
Created the No Child Left Behind act then left funding to the states.
Started a War to Obtain foreign resources while instituting a tax rebate to help them get elected.
Caved in to pressure from religous extremists to use the courts to mandate morality.
There's more but I don't want to use the bandwidth.


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