Re: American Politics

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 21, 2005 at 09:54:40:

In Reply to: Re: American Politics posted by Young Republican on May 21, 2005 at 04:30:53:

Well; as always the discussion reverts back to the Mexican Standoff; I have one experience and you have another. I have no way of knowing if what you tell me is accurate and you have no way of knowing if I am truthfull. Bottomline; since all facts are elusive and open to interpretation, that leaves only one option; how do you feel about the current state you and your circle is in; same for me.
I get from you that the countries full of welfare cheats and I get from my own experience that it is not. I am sure you have the same issue. Where you live that has such massive welfare rolls and fraudulent abuse of the public monies is a mystery to me. Living and working here in New York and having family that services the health community I have a totally opposite view. Following the state budget reveals less than 2% of totall revenue expenditures granted to the public assistance rolls.
A good portion of that includes elderly and children. So where are these armies of healthy abusers? I walk past Varick Street where the Welfare office is in Brooklyn and see maybe a couple of dozen people at any given time. So; where are they all?


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