Mental traps

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Posted by Young Republican [ ] on May 22, 2005 at 04:21:53:

In Reply to: Sorry for the poor editing posted by wunhuanglo on May 21, 2005 at 12:21:25:

Your assumptions are unfounded. This is one of the mental traps that dems commonly fall into. Being Republican does not mean you have to be Christian. Being Christian does not mean you have to be Rebublican. Likewise, Democrats aren't always non-Christian. Don't mix your religion and politics please.

Another mental trap is to say that because Republicans want to limit entitlements means that they want the poor to stay poor and the rich to stay rich. It's like you want to paint us all as greedy, selfish tyrants like Ebenezer Scrooge. Liberals use this as a imagery device, nothing more. It is ugly rhetoric, that's all.

People that run into trouble aren't necessarily flawed but people that are "inherently flawed, morally bankrupt, lazy, drug addicted, liars and cheats" will most certainly run into trouble. Even that isn't the issue. The issue is what works and what doesn't.

To say that Republicans operate on the "concept that people less fortunate than themselves are inherently flawed" is stereotypical. This is just another attempt to paint Republicans into a nasty picture. I won't stoop to using such a rhetorical argument. Instead, I will say that I think Section 8 housing and certain other welfare programs are a waste of money. Whether people taking that assistance are inherently flawed is not for me to judge.

I personally don't think Socialism works and we've all seen evidence of its failure. I think if you tried it a hundred more times you'd get a hundred more failures. Likewise, I don't think that institutionalized multi-generational welfare for "unfortunate" families is a workable solution. They have to be given motivation, but a welfare check, food stamps and Section 8 housing isn't what I'd call motivation.


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