Re: I can't Believe This

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Posted by Damir [ ] on June 21, 2006 at 10:28:30:

In Reply to: I can't Believe This posted by manualblock on June 21, 2006 at 08:52:33:

Hey, the rebels who actually fought against Croatia for four years, made their so-called "Krajina" country, then lost the war and run away get the amnesty from Croatian goverment. That`s right - the amnesty, all the documents (IDs, passports,...), pension rights, right to their abandoned property + right to fix their houses (on the state account) destroyed in the war, etc. Only the war criminals (who tortured, killed, burned) can`t be amnested, but those people rarely return. Little by little "amnested" people returned, they have the equal rights like other cytizens - everything isn`t perfect, but normal life takes place, little by little. Some humanitar aid organisations and countries help a little in this process.

It isn`t the same situation, but what I tried to say is - civilized life can`t be based on cruelty, unjustice, "us and them", inflexibility and past "sins". Everything isn`t B&W, and compromised solutions (for the most of the people) can be found, with a little good will.
In all those debates about barbed wire fences, guns, etc. we somehow forgot that we are all brothers and sisters - and I don`t care how pathetic and "unrealistic" can this sound to someone...


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