Re: A few more things :-)

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 21, 2006 at 19:24:42:

In Reply to: A few more things :-) posted by Damir on June 21, 2006 at 18:55:18:

Sounds like Elygia; I would like to live there.

I really dont think you have an accurate picture of this situation we have here. The impression I get is you seem to think there is a nice little community of innocent hard-working families from Mexico just behaving in tolerant ways and working hard to become good citizens here in their adopted land. That may be true somewhere in Oz; but not here.
A coupke truths; more than 20% of the most hardened criminals in our jails in more than ten states are illegals; the murderers; rapists; torturers etc.
There are more than 13 MILLION of them here; working off the books and clogging up the schools and hospitals. In one town close by me there has been a movie documentary made describing the houses where 30 or more people live; the sewage floating down what used to be clean suburban streets.
Most of the illegals are men between the ages of 16 and 40; alone because their families are back in Mexico. All of our citzens pay a big tacx to support these people while their money does not go into making homes here in their adopted country; it goes back into Mexico. While we support them.
The estimate for the average wage that is depressed by a very significant amount affects mostly the poorest members of our country. They must suffer the consequences of this invasion. You my friend are on a forum where a very small minority opinion gets big play. That Americans are welcoming of these invaders and happy to see them succeed here.
Most of the real world here is made up of people who paid into Social Security and Medicare their whole working lives a significant amount of money every paycheck so that their families and friends would be cared for when the became old and unable to work. These hordes of illegals are burning our saftey net we worked for every day.
So if you are real enough to challenge my thinking here then maybe you will be real enough to answer one question (although I wont get my expectations of that happening too high); and that one question is;
Why dont they stay in their country and work hard to make that a better place to live in for their families they left behind?


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