Re: I can't Believe This

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Posted by Damir [ ] on June 21, 2006 at 18:28:57:

In Reply to: Re: I can't Believe This posted by manualblock on June 21, 2006 at 15:28:25:

Well, MB - I think that you even can`t imagine what we went through over there.
Some official statistics (the source - Croatian goverment, from linked document, unfortunately, just in Croatian language):

-republic of Croatia has about 4,5 milions of people, the war was from 1991-1995.

-in the end of 1992. there was 663.493 refugees registered in Croatia, and 136.000 that ran away in other countries, total ~800.000 refugees.

-from that number, 402.768 registered refugees came in Croatia from Bosnia and Herzegovina, more then 200.000 Bosnian Muslims among them

-the number of refugees was smaller in 1998.(about 126.181 registered, but more then 100.000 out of system- unregistered, mostly from BiH) - some of them returned to their homes, some went to other countries

-about 283.000 people left Croatia (1998. statistic), mostly Serbs - but at the same time there`re the process of return, parallel with rebuilding of houses

-and the most important thing for you, MB - care for various refugees costed Republic of Croatia MORE THEN ONE BILLION of $. Various foreign organisations and countries donated only 11%, the rest payed Croatian citizens.
-many foreign citizens didn`t return in their countries (Bosnia and Serbia mostly), but stayed to live in Croatia. They have the same rights as other citizens, which are born here, worked here and payed taxes, medical insurances, etc.- and newcomers weren`t.
-there`re many problems - culture differences, jobs, some small towns doubled their population, etc.

-those are just some small numbers about war consequences. I think that this war returned Croatia tens of years back.
But, solidarity existed, and no one blame those poor people - isn`t everything in the money.
This is just the small detail of the situation here.


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