Re: I can't Believe This

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 22, 2006 at 14:42:53:

In Reply to: Re: I can't Believe This posted by Damir on June 22, 2006 at 12:54:43:

Here is my take on that. NY has always been the easiest place to live in regards to people and how we have to deal with them on a daily basis. One; NY natives have the best sense of humor outside of people from England.
Two; NY'ers are quick on the draw. One of the most difficult adjustments for me when I lived out of state was the pace; how you would find yourself finishing peoples sentences or holding your breath in anticipation of some kind of resolution of the thought before you croaked.
Three NY'ers are used to adversity. Most of us have lived with a fast expensive and difficult lifestyle and as a result we can adapt easily to situations where others might have difficulty.
Four; we are exposed to every type kind and style of person and experience on earth on a daily basis. So we are not easily flustered or thrown for a loop; confused or disoriented.
Five; the schools are good here and even the IQ challenged are at least somewhat competent and experienced.
Thats my take on the subject of why stay here even though it is so damned expensive and crowded and half the time you can't even get off the island.


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