Re: wal-mart

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 19, 2005 at 08:35:53:

In Reply to: Re: wal-mart posted by wunhuanglo on August 19, 2005 at 05:19:11:

Well; thats what is the real problem. It's similar to the folks around here who hire illegals to do the lawns and the home improvement work because they appear to work cheaper. Then we visit the emergency room of all the local hospitals and who do you think is in there? They are; disproportionately so with their children and older members suffering from ear infections and simple conditions that would normally be treated by a physcician or a doc-in -the -box for 75$. But since they are non-resident aliens, they are now sitting in a 750$ a visit hospital on our dime.
Their kids go to school because by law they must; but they have no legal residence so we pay to educate them while they work off the books.
Forget about the police rersponses needed to deal with all of the problems in their ares.
My point??
Wal-mart petitions a town suffering from a high unemployment rate. They offer jobs in return for tax incentives. The town has really no choice so they opt for this big traffic problem logistics problem box store to set-up shop. Now there are lots of people employed at minimum wage with no health care; back in those hospitals again. The town makes much less than projected because many of the low lying businesses go under as a result of this invasion, businesses that would have been around forever. People can't afford to spend on minimum wage so they don't add all that much to the economy. Wal-mart produces a strain on city services that costs money.
Why do the people support this obviously faulty benefit? Do they have a choice? Wal-mart sells cheaper because they qouge suppliers and buy out of the country. And a non-union staff means no permanent jobs or potential for increased revenue which was set by the original agreement anyway. And when that store is no longer generating enough revenue; what do you think happens? They abandon it; and the town pays to clean up the site.
I can go on and on; but think of the fact that there are at least seven states looking to legislate against tax incentives for this monster. Do you think they hate business in those states?


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