Re: wal-mart

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on August 20, 2005 at 09:13:03:

In Reply to: Re: wal-mart posted by manualblock on August 20, 2005 at 05:24:23:

I've always frowned on the manipulative tactic used by many that try to promote a religion or "pass the word," and that's the "get out of hell free card." Instead of suggesting an idea that spiritual growth might make a person happier, they proffer the advice that without immediate attention, the person will go to hell and be tortured forever.

I think it's a mistaken principle. I like the idea of attraction rather than promotion. If you know something worth doing, then do it. Don't push it. It will show its own good virtues and people will be attracted to it.

I personally never thought God to be so insecure as to demand a person's immediate attention. I see God as more of a Grand Unification Theory. So then you're really just learning science better, social interactions, micro and macro structures in everything. Put it all together and give it a name.

If Jesus and Zoroaster were trying to describe some of the ways to live, be productive, successful and happy, I see it no differently than the Wright Brothers developing a better understanding of gravity and aerodynamics. I doubt they would have gone door to door telling people they needed to learn their principles lest they might die a horrible death, but if you try to fly wuithout a pretty good grasp of the things Orville and Wilber Wright found, you'll probably die a horrible death.


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