Re: wal-mart

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Posted by wunhuanglo [ ] on August 19, 2005 at 23:41:17:

In Reply to: Re: wal-mart posted by manualblock on August 19, 2005 at 22:01:51:

You're probably right - what the hell do I know. Maybe overall they’re just evil greed-crazed bastards profiting from desperation and misery. No doubt that our federal government does nothing to mandate workplace equity and that the present administration actively works to strip workers of all protections – they clearly want to ensure an abundant supply of passive drones grateful to be exploited.

I’m pretty certain that’s how it’s always been for the have-nots. Maybe those of us who have the advantage of a bit of security, a little more understanding, are the ones to blame for not demanding basic reforms that would more equitably distribute the productivity of the society among all the stakeholders instead of benefiting just the greedy few at the top with their 200 foot yachts.

We certainly don’t – if somebody says taxes are too low, they can’t get to first base without being called a tax-and-spend idiot. If you talk about fairness and equity you’re a lunatic liberal commie subversive. People only vote for millionaires and celebrities – they don’t ever consider why they’re millionaires or celebrities except to trash them like John Edwards was trashed for being a trial lawyer.

We end up with no choices in the voting booth because we let good people get trampled – we let corporate interests get away with smearing people who might rock the boat – we let their disinformation campaigns convince the less than astute that raising the minimum wage or nationalizing basic health care is just trying to strip them of their ability to pursue the American dream – not many of us support organizations that try to counter that sort of obvious propaganda. The end result is that the sheeple vote for their own slaughter while denouncing the evil liberals with the war chants their masters taught them.

Even the churches are full of so-called christians these days who’ve swallowed the whole laissez-faire republican message rather than questioning how the poor can be helped. The only help the poor are offered is to become supporters of their oppressors in the incredibly naive belief that they can become one of “them”. To perpetuate the illusion the press publishes Horatio Alger stories pre-cooked by the corporations for immediate publication (no editing required)- it’s like ads for lottery tickets; the suckers keep buying into the scam.

We have met the enemy and they is us.


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