Re: wal-mart

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 19, 2005 at 13:30:10:

In Reply to: Re: wal-mart posted by Cheetah on August 19, 2005 at 13:07:59:

Now we are getting somewhere.
Before I answer your post though I must state that I didn't say Wal-Mart is at fault forcing illegals to use the hospitals; I say Wal-Mart, by not providing the very basics of health care to it's employees even though these towns and cities give a generous tax abatement to this company, forces even their employees to use the hospitals; since who has a thousand dollar deductible on a minimum wage job?
I have no experience working there so am not qualified to speak on their advancement potential; but look at the ratio of minimum wage workers there to above average paid workers and that should settle that story.
The corporations get huge tax deferments in ways only our accountants can even begin to explain. Look at the total of corporate tax revenue records per-capita. The averge Joe pays more than the aggregate corporate tax liability.
I think your argument seeks to define personal participation in the economic system via a paycheck. Well; here the deck is stacked. Can you own stock in these companies and thereby share in the profits and shut guys like me up? No; not really. The accounting regulations tilt the board so that you will always enjoy a return on your capital investment in American industry of about 6%. That inludes risk factors you accept as part of your being allowed to even invest you paltry sums.
Why Wal-Mart; what makes them the bad guys? With their business model of searching aggressively for the weakest and most vulnerable sections of our country; making promises of jobs and increased wealth for these desperate towns and cities, then providing very little or nothing in the way of increased revenue and locking those communities into bad agreements. That is their crime. Searching the world over for goods made by slave labor or in sweatshop conditions drives the value of all American goods and labor down. How do they do this, by manipulating the political system in the most vulnerable communities.


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