Great tool for phono playback

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Posted by Rick [ ] on July 16, 2005 at 13:15:07:


I've recently purchased based on recommended products on the kabusa web site the aphex 204 aural exciter w/optical big bottom. I think it is absolutely fantastic in creating and tayloring analog to sound more dynamic and realistic unlike anything I've been accoustomed to. I've used a tds harmonic enhancer with good results but with a blanket effect, though good, nothing like what the aphex 204 can do. I had thought it might be too "fiddely", by perhaps one having to tweek every record or track therein, but, as advised, about the only adjustment needed may be on bass levels of varying recordings. It really does make lryics more intelligable and instrumentation more detailed and distinct. Bass from the big bottom effect is really improved, one being able to bring out kick drums and bass guitar like never known before. It's the best dang 200 bucks I've ever sank into my little audio habit. Better than any cartridge or phono preamp improvement of similar monetary scale, or that, much greater.


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