Re: Great tool for phono playback

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Posted by Rick [ ] on July 21, 2005 at 07:32:14:

In Reply to: Re: Great tool for phono playback posted by Russellc on July 18, 2005 at 19:01:51:

Yes.......... lord master & commander. I'll slink away now, my lower lip quivering with indignation. Thank you, I did'nt know the innards of it's back case were chucked full of all sorts of unsavory devices. Though it'd matter as much if a dehydrated dead mouse were stuffed there in. Still makes music sound good to me. Once again, if anyone is unsatisfied with their phono playback and has an open mind, unconstrained by op-amps, audiophillic dogma, or liner notes on a record album. Then maybe, if they're interested mind you. As, it aint no holy grail, what ever trips yer trigger n floats yer boat. It might be one of a multitude of pathways for happy listening on the old victrola. Lord god almighty strike me down for having sinned. Ahmen! Peace brothers.


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