Re: Great tool for phono playback

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Posted by Russellc [ ] on July 18, 2005 at 19:01:51:

In Reply to: Re: Great tool for phono playback posted by Rick on July 18, 2005 at 17:56:39:

Nay bob of negatism eh? Self appointed audio guru huh? Aren't you doing the same? Sorry your ox was gored, but you don't have to run off crying and namecalling just because someone disagreed with your idea. Most high end music listeners will not have such a device in their signal chain, that's all. they are stuffed full of phase destroying circuitry and loads of cheap op amps. However, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, which by the way is very welcome here. this is a flame free place where ideas are free flowing, and this includes commentary as well as counterpoint to said commentary. Are you so know it all that no disagreement is allowed? Who's the self appointed knowitall now? The device and its review are geared towards home theater, where the signal is allready so butchered and phase so manipulated one more device won't really hurt. Whatever, your posts are welcome, just expect comentary. We are here to learn, which requires a certain diatribe, where not all are going to agree. If you like it in your system, that's all that really matters. Myself, I don't use equalizers of any sort. I, like many here enjoy the purist signal possible, and no device that changes alters or adds to it is
seen as possitive. Reviews to me are extensions of various companies marketing departments and don't carry much weight.



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