Re: Ok Manual I will answer the questions you asked me here...

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on October 13, 2005 at 14:20:57:

In Reply to: Re: Ok Manual I will answer the questions you asked me here... posted by Bill Martinelli on October 13, 2005 at 13:50:54:


I'm not sure I am in the top 50%. That said I know I got a tax cut. We are discussing two things here. The first part is did we get more money back. And the second thing (that manual is saying) is that even though the middle class got money back, did the percentage of our income tax change disproportionate to the rich. In other words everyone who paid taxes got money back including the rich, middle class and the poor. Manual is saying that even though we all got money back the middle class ends up paying a higher percentage of there money to the IRS than the rich. Go figure. I'm happy to get the money back. If I am wrong on this Manual I'm sure you will correct me.

What could be done is a flat tax. It would solve all of the problems and would be fair. When I say a flat tax I mean the system that eliminates income taxes and all deductions completely. It is a flat tax put on anything someone purchases. For instance everything would go up 15%. This 15% is paid to the Gov. It's fair because the rich would pay a huge some as they already are because they purchase more (cars, boats, houses, etc.). This is the system I am talking about. And I think it would be great. It's the system Forbes was pushing when he ran for President. Think of it. No IRS, no income taxes, no accountants, everyone can understand it. What more could you want. The other option would be a flat tax where everyone pays the same amount such as 20% with no deductions. The liberals would hate this. Because they hate the rich and think they should pay more. Not just a little more but a lot more.


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