Re: Ok Manual I will answer the questions you asked me here...

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Posted by Bill Martinelli [ ] on October 13, 2005 at 13:50:54:

In Reply to: Ok Manual I will answer the questions you asked me here... posted by Mr Vinyl on October 13, 2005 at 12:23:58:

Just a quick interjection to your question 2,
"Bush's tax cuts when all taken into account actually increases the tax burden on every tax payer from the top 50% to the top 1% in income earners"

I think it's safe to assume that the 3 of us are in the top 50%

I can tell you that I voted for gwb the first term simply because I licked his tax plan and he had a web site that you could figure your tax savings. So, I figured I would get around 50.00 saving per period.
After election and the new tax laws went into affect. The saving worked out to be around 35 or 40. I don’t recall that savings going away. I feel I've got a tax savings. What to you guys think. If you get a check did the net go up with out making any withholding changes?

Which brings me to a new topic.
Instead of trying to figure out who did what. Lets start a new thread on what we can do now. Lets come up with some more things that we as citizens could do to help lower taxes. I think I pay to many, and there's probably lots of people who think they pay too much in tax. What can we do to lower this burden, on us. forget the poor guys who earn over 151 million, and lets focus on just us.


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