Re: BTW ManualBlock...

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Posted by Manualblock [ ] on October 07, 2005 at 08:10:47:

In Reply to: BTW ManualBlock... posted by Mr Vinyl on October 07, 2005 at 06:53:01:

Mr V; Please; I would never ask for an apology from you or anyone else. I only brought it up to express my thoughts but under no circumstances would I even want you to think of an apology, thats what I meant in my post; you are what you are and you said what you said and I respect that.
On the political front; you have to reconsider looking at every statement/action/legislation etc. as a response to a partisan philosophy. Comparing every act by the Republican administration that is in charge now to some thing done sometime in the past within an entirely different context and historical imperative is illogical. If you have a complaint about something the Democrats did 20 yrs ago then you should frame that complaint within the historical perspective and compare what they did then with what the Republicans did THEN.
This administration is repsonsible for what it does now and we are suffering the ill effects of their incompetence now. Who cares why Ruth Bader Ginsburg was appointed; let the past be the past. We need to deal with conditions affecting us now and not linger in some war of comparison with dead issues.


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