I am done with this discussion...

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on October 07, 2005 at 19:04:29:

In Reply to: Re: Sorry, but to prove you wrong I would have to show evidence.. posted by manualblock on October 07, 2005 at 17:34:20:

I will say one last thing. Tell me if this is wrong ok. After the first Gulf War, you know the one where nice neighborly Saddam invaded a near by country. He signed a peace treaty saying that he would abide by any and all UN resolutions or be removed from power by force. He broke 17 resolutions. We removed him. What was illegal about that?

You still haven't mentioned why it is an illegal war. Specifically which law was broken to make the war illegal? Instead of spouting the liberal talking points how about proving the war is illegal in any way.

Whether or not there were weapons of mass distruction, the president, congress, Clinton and most of the thinking world thought there were. I believe there were. I think he hid them in the year before the war while we were screwing around with the UN. So even if the president, congress, Clinton and most of the world were wrong it still doesn't make the war illegal. So prove your point.


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