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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on October 07, 2005 at 21:24:18:

In Reply to: Re: I am done with this discussion... posted by manualblock on October 07, 2005 at 20:01:55:

Specifically what was illegal about the war. What law was broken? If you can't answer than admit you were wrong about the war being illegal.

Don't give me crap about N. Korea. It was liberals like you that prevented a successful conclusion to the Vietnam war. Now you want to complain about N. Korea? Please!

I'm sorry. I am a nice person at heart. But your anti American rhetoric makes me want to puke. I don't care what the rest of the world thinks about the United States. I don't want to get along with other countries if they are supporting hate. I care about freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I don't give a shit about the criminals so called rights. They lost their rights when they broke the law. I care about law abiding citizens and their children. The hard working people that abide by the laws. The people that struggle every day to make this country great. Yes, that includes the rich and the poor.

Whether you like it or not, the rich have every right to this country as the poor do. Many of the rich people did not inherit their money, did not steal their money and did not scam their money from other people. They worked their butts off making a life for themselves and their families. Legally! Anyone in America can do the same. It's up to them and if they want to work. But it's hard working people who are now rich that make America what it is today.


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