Re: I have heard about it being made into a movie...

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on March 02, 2006 at 11:46:12:

In Reply to: Re: I have heard about it being made into a movie... posted by Wayne Parham on March 02, 2006 at 11:34:16:

Yes, RainMan was about an autistic person. I thought it was an excellent movie. Which brings up the point I was making above. Many times when I tell people about my sons they respond with something like "oh I heard that autistic children have special talents like the guy in RainMan. What can your sons do?" The vast majority of autistic children do not have any special talents, like incredible memories etc. Most are just handicapped (some very severely) and need constant help. Without going into great detail, there is not much help for these kinds of children. Most just slip through the cracks and are forgotten about. Whenever I hear about all of this money spent on entitlement programs all I think about is, what about the children and adults with handicaps that could really use help. I guess few autistic people can vote so they are of little consequence to politicians.


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