Re: I have heard about it being made into a movie...

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on March 02, 2006 at 15:06:34:

In Reply to: Re: I have heard about it being made into a movie... posted by manualblock on March 02, 2006 at 14:39:11:

"In the case of Brian whom I mentioned above; his mom, who went on to become friends with us, had to battle constantly with the school administration for the resources to which he was entitled. She demanded he be mainstreamed and they objected."

Man, you got that right. The school system where I live could care less what's best for the child. Just what would be the least expensive way to handle him. In our case this meant throwing him into a single special class with no "one on one" help and with children that are far more handicapped than my son. After several battles with the school I eventually had to pull my son out of school and home school him myself. Your friend is a real hero in my book.

"Most people have no clue what Autism even means".

Including most "so called" doctors. Believe me when I say unless you have had a child with a disability you would have no idea of the heartbreak involved. I used to see kids acting up in a store and think to myself, "what's the matter with those parents? Can't they control their kids?" I know better now. This experience has taught me not to judge people until I know all the facts.


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