Re: I have heard about it being made into a movie...

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on March 03, 2006 at 11:45:09:

In Reply to: Re: I have heard about it being made into a movie... posted by Mr Vinyl on March 03, 2006 at 09:30:25:

I feel soooo sorry for you. I can't begin to say I understand, but I do empathize. And I will say that Alona is a school teacher and deals with ED kids, so I've seen several examples of the ridiculous from the public school system. Common sense is completely gone.

Like you, I used to believe in the public school system. I used to think it was good, because kids of all walks of life were in it together, so it helps them adjust to social life. It seemed like a good thing in the 70's and earlier. So I kind of expected that any problems that came up would correct themselves. People of reason would solve problems as they presented themselves. But I don't believe that anymore. I have started to fear that we've gone the way of the Titanic. Hope I'm wrong.

Alona came from a former socialist country and I can tell you from her experience that our school systems here are worse, as are many of America's attempts at "entitlements" and socialized services. I think the problem is that since America has been successful and has some amount of economic strength, those that want to socialize things are sort of "spoiled" and have a lot of money to throw into their socialization attempts. That makes the failures be bigger failures, because they have the money to fail in a big way, on a grander scale.

It's ironic that we always bashed the commies for their red tape, propoganda, laws about religion and other restrictions. But in many ways, we've become worse here now. We took the worst that the commies had and threw away the good that we once had. Instead of taking the good and leaving the bad, we took the bad and left the good.

Sorry to derail the thread a little bit. I'm just sorry that you're having to deal with a system gone bad. But I think you know the answer. The sad fact is you're going to have to find the solutions for yourself. That wouldn't be so sad if you weren't forced to pay taxes to fund that pathetic excuse for a school system. My hope is that you will be able to find other families in the same situation and bond together with them. The school system and any government "assistance" will be more of an interference than assistance, as you well know. I'm so sorry about that.


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