Ticking Time Bomb

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Posted by elektratig [ ] on December 16, 2005 at 07:30:04:

In Reply to: Re: Wrong Again, MB posted by manualblock on December 15, 2005 at 21:13:12:

What I call the "ticking time bomb" scenario is an updated variant of the "Dirty Harry" plot. A terrorist has planted a bomb -- let's make it a dirty nuclear bomb -- somewhere in, say, NYC. The terrorist has been captured, but he won't reveal where the bomb is planted. What do you do?

If you think that's unrealistic, I'll give you a more subtle version. We capture Zarquawi -- someone we know is a high-level terrorist who has tremendous amounts of valuable information -- the identities and locations of high-level associates, the locations of safehouses and caches of IEDs and other weapons, information about planned and ongoing operations, etc. Obtaining this information will save at least hundreds and more likely thousands of innocent lives. He won't tell us anything. What do you do?


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