Re: McCain and Miranda

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on December 17, 2005 at 07:52:12:

In Reply to: Re: McCain and Miranda posted by elektratig on December 17, 2005 at 05:57:26:

Perfectly put. To me that is an example of why we must use broad and universally applied standards. Listen someone has to make the descisions; do we agree on that? There must be accountability.
In the School case the 1000 ft rule would extend to that perimeter regardless of conditions on the street. Thats my opinion but it comes without knowing precedent/application/prior extenuating circumstances so as you can see we must at some point rely on the wisdom of those we appoint to adjudicate these things.
See my interrogation post above; the military manual accepts that it cannot define the rightfull parameters. So McCain writes a bill to be broadly construed and then let the proffessional's define the rules under the proscriptions of the bill.
You tell me the ruling in the school case then I ask what rules should apply in the process of capture and interrogation of SUSPECTS. Thats the key word for me since without due process you are only a suspect and may have no culpability whatsoever.
And even with all of this we still cannot define at what point we cross the line between civilised behaviour and savagery.


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