Re: McCain and Miranda

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Posted by Damir [ ] on December 18, 2005 at 09:12:26:

In Reply to: Re: McCain and Miranda posted by elektratig on December 18, 2005 at 05:40:15:

It`s nice and easy writing about war, killing and torturing people while listening music, with slippers on your feet.
Here we just went through a bloody war, where those things are not some blablah on TV/Internet, but brutal reality that can happen to you or to someone you love every moment. Even there and then, majority of the people knew what`s right and what`s wrong. But some people, when they only had a chance showed unbilievable cruelty and they`ve done many crimes. Beleiving that someone wants "right" to avoid Geneve convenctions and Laws, and torture and execute prisoners/suspects in the 21st century is beyond me.
I don`t want to be specific (only 10 years passed) - but only one thing - a friend of mine always had a bomb and a few bullets in his shirt pocket in case he`d be captured. An enemy army which acts that way (torturing prisoners) can only expect a similar treatment.
And some people here went through capturing and torture and some even survived to talk about the horrors. If someone likes it or justifys it, in my eyes he`s not much less than a criminal, than criminals who actually did those cruel deeds.
Not exact situation you wrote about, but you have an idea.


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