Re: line array [Re: Vifa two way]

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Posted by lon [ ] on June 12, 2004 at 16:33:54:

In Reply to: Re: line array [Re: Vifa two way] posted by Bill Fitzmaurice on June 12, 2004 at 14:48:41:

Ok, well my imagination is whirring away on the idea of
an array with a horn thingie that looks like a trapezoid.

My PVC experiments are due to the fact that I only have
a few hand tools to play with. I can cut PVC with a
hacksaw, mount it on some 70 cent shelving, add a couple
elbows and a closet flange. The speaks in the 4" PVC are
RS 1197's. Real budget stuff. So without spoonfeeding me
too much, what length should the toobz be? Only stuffing I
use is behind the driver in the elbow. Any more than that
and things start to sound muddy. It may be the type of
stuff I play like organ recitals but the resonance effect
seems to enhance rather than detract.

And yes, I'm aware of the term one-note bass... the kind I
hear through the wall when my apartment neighbors have their
subs cranked. Sometimes I think they have car stereo in
the house... no audible _melody_ of any sort.

The guy that made the Voigt pipe with a discontinued Audax
full range said that most music is down in the 500 - 2000
range. If that is true just about any mid woof should
play tunes.

Wayne (hello Wayne) mentioned an Eminence 6" for the
purpose. All I see in the PE catalogue is one 6" called
100W Midrange, PE part number 290-400. I do not know
if that is the item or not.

I am watching for your website to be completed as well. ;-)


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