Re: line array [Re: Vifa two way]

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Posted by Bill Fitzmaurice [ ] on June 12, 2004 at 14:48:41:

In Reply to: Re: line array [Re: Vifa two way] posted by lon on June 12, 2004 at 09:15:09:

With 99dB sensitivity it can be driven by anything, though to keep the driver count down (at 8 woofers instead of 16) it does have a 5 ohm impedance. Of course that's with 8 ohm drivers; using 16s or 4s you can go 8 drivers for 8 ohms. I wasn't concerned about the impedance as with that sensitivity it won't be drawing a lot of current.

You're correct about the configuration, though the exact details I can't reveal until publication.

The problem with PVC is that if left unstuffed it's a very resonant speaker, a one-note if you will, and even stuffed isn't as good as a tapered line. Ten feet gives quarter-wave tuning at 28 Hz, and that's probably well below the Fs of a driver small enough to fit it, so a mis-match there.

Two drivers is the way you mention is feasible, with tuning perhaps a third-octave apart to smooth things out.


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