Re: line array [Re: Vifa two way]

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Posted by lon [ ] on June 13, 2004 at 12:37:38:

In Reply to: Re: line array [Re: Vifa two way] posted by Bill Fitzmaurice on June 13, 2004 at 08:01:16:

I'm a low power sort on all counts. ;-)

Projects take forever because I acquire the background
needed pretty slowly.

I have a pair of Fostex FE127's (4.5 in) on hand. They are
in a some old Speakerlab BR cabs at about 2.5 cu. ft. I have
them set up by the computer here and everything runs through
a Yamaha RP U100 which is a small receiver with a USB connection.
Power is 30 watts per channel.


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