Re: Maybe

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Posted by Damir [ ] on May 15, 2005 at 13:08:00:

In Reply to: Re: Maybe posted by Wayne Parham on May 15, 2005 at 08:51:58:

What did you expect - the political and armed fights in & about former Yugoslavia continued before and through WW1, then WW2, then war(s) in the 90`s... On one side Serbian politics/domination, and on the other side fight for independent states, the most in Croatia. BUT, all through the games and interests of big countries...
Lies, interests, wars, crimes, spies, politics, oficial and unoficial history...
My grandpa was born in Austria/Hungary, lived in two Yugoslavias and died in Croatia, finally. He was in a concetracion-camp AFTER WW2, you can`t find it in the history books, and my wife`s grandpa was killed AFTER WW2. And many others.
My best friend was wounded three times, and today he read in the newspapers "what went on" only 10 years ago, and more or less - lies & politics, depends who pays/controls the media - interests.
"Special war" went on, not with arms, but through the (destroyed) economics, politics, criminal and lies/propaganda, again.
But, it`s a beautiful country and people are still good, thank God. Problems and history aside, I ignore all of this, think about tube amps, and hiking through the forests with my family, when I find some time:-)
But, from a little walk a few weeks ago - one picture...ooppsss...
But, not to worry, that`s nothing at all - my other friend`s job is cleaning the mine-fields, I do not want to write how small his sallary is, but he is happy - he just got his forth child, and somehow - life goes on. Evil has some power, but not all at all, and all of this... Enough for today...


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