Re: Maybe

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on May 15, 2005 at 08:51:58:

In Reply to: Re: Maybe posted by manualblock on May 15, 2005 at 08:08:09:

I don't know anyone from Iraq, but I do know people from the former Yugoslavia. In fact, I know people from both sides. Two of them are pretty regular participants here. I can tell you for sure that what you heard here was complete bullshit.

I don't know about political motivations or journalistic intentions, and to tell the truth, I tend to mistrust them both. But I can tell you for sure that there was ugliness on both sides of the Yugoslavian issue, and there were also nice people on both sides. It was not one sided as that crazy Madeline Albright said. I sat and watched things unfold and when I saw her on television night after night, I remember thinking I had never seen a major politician lie so much since Nixon's cover up.

So I tend to assume what I hear through journalists and politicians is skewed and unreliable, often times patently false. I'm a flag waving American, our fellow citizens are our neighbors. But propoganda here is pretty strong, as is the desire to want to conform. If you aren't in one of two political parties, you'll throw your vote away, and that's all the voice most people have. Kinda sad that things have become so polarized.


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