Clearing The Air

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 08, 2006 at 13:09:13:

I have to say that it's a funny world. Look at where we are now. Talking like old friends and sharing opinions and then what?? Something goes out of whack. Maybe Someone thinks they are being badgered about something they wrote; or maybe another person feels he is disrespected and made a mockery of with cartoons and repitition while another may see his cherished values denigrated.
How do things go so awry? How does a simple conversation become so muddled and confusing and lacking in specificity.
I wonder?
Now we all agree,( I hope) that everyone who posts on this board is an exceptional person. Generous to a fault; helpfull, intelligent, funny; basically enjoyable to speak with. So what cause such a disconnect?
What is the pattern of behaviour that leads to such a sorry and egregrious state of affairs? I think that it might be this: Everyone likes to have an opinion on things; and this is of course an opinion driven board. We all like to think our opinions are valuable and we like to express them to the world. Thats how people participate in conversation. But sometimes we may hold an opinion thinking that that opinion is self explanatory; and that all we have to do is state it and voila; everyone automatically will understand exactly what we mean by that opinion. Not always the case. Sometimes the reason for holding an opinion is evident only to the holder. Therefor there must eventually be an explanation for those whose understanding is not complete. Thats the difficult part explaining things. We are all guilty of this lack of explanation for our opinions.
Thats the root of the problem as I see it; someone doesn't understand and someone would rather not get into a long and descriptive explanation regarding something they see as self evident. Even though
that opinion may not be self-evident to the hearer.
Because after all; if you have an opinion it must be based on something; they just don't form out of thin air. That something is the interesting part; the opinion itself is just some words.
Anyway thats what I think for what it's worth.


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