I think it's time to cool down,

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Posted by akhilesh [ ] on June 08, 2006 at 22:49:53:

In Reply to: Re: The explanation is simpler than that posted by manualblock on June 08, 2006 at 15:47:02:

"Only the ones who have to ride on your coatails when you post. "


I don;t know who yu mean by riding on coattails..but if you mean that my posts usually agree with wayne's then there is a simple explanation.
I've found it's better to learn from someone with experience(like Wayne) rather than argue for the sake of it. That's not my style.
i don;t think you have ever met Wayne but he is very knowledgeable & experienced about speakers & audio stuff in general, and also clearly spearates objective & subjective aspects. While folks can disagree on subjective aspects all day long, and I am pretty sure he & I do have different subkective tastes, it would be really foolish on my part to question or disagree with his posts that usually deal with objective issues. Unless he makes a mistake & I catch it, which really hasn;t happened yet.

I think it's best to cool off now, don't you? The reason I post here at ART is to avoid flaming, so I am not going ot be argumentative anymore. I could argue politics all day long, but not really into that.


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