Re: Point 3

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 09, 2006 at 10:47:35:

In Reply to: Point 3 posted by colinhester on June 09, 2006 at 10:30:45:

I beg to differ. The appendix on the end of each point is there to indicate an emphasis on the extremity of the position. All of those points I name,, I believe that they are very extreme positions hence my interest in having someone who adopts those positions explain to me why they do so.
Where in Pts 2/3 I say Not Too extreme? thats an expression of disbelief; not an affirmation of validity. same with pt 2. I use those appendix to emphasize my lack of belief.
As for Pts 3; that is a law that is so vigorously lobbied by the NRA and other groups that in smaller states where they as a lobby group can sway a significant portion of the population of the rural areas then they are able to provide the Gun lobby with enough votes to produce legislation that allows carry laws to exist. Sort of like gerrymandering a legislative district like Tom DeLay is famous for.


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