Re: Mine Safety and Bush

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on January 23, 2006 at 13:00:36:

In Reply to: Re: Mine Safety and Bush posted by manualblock on January 23, 2006 at 12:23:54:

Let me qualify that last statement. The Federal Bureau of Mine Safety controls the issue of enforcing Mine Safety in this country. Just like the FAA controls the issue of Airline and flight safety and Just like the FRA controls the issue of Railroad safety. These administrative bodies are headed by political appointees whose job it is to enforce the safety standards enacted by the federal government.
The states don't do this because one; The government needs uniform rules and regulations across the whole country. Otherwise any state with heavily represented mining interests would have weak or unsafe conditions just like the airways or railroads.
Two; the mining companies are interstate and as such are federal issues.
The Executive Branch appoints the heads of the various regulatory agencies who then create and establish the regulations under which these agencies operate and they have the police powers required to insure compliance.
I don't know what your point is but that is how it works.
On the Railroad no state agency had any power to tell us what we could do in terms of safety. That was regulated by the Feds in the form of the FRA.


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