Re: Mine Safety and Bush

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Posted by Steve Eddy [ ] on January 23, 2006 at 14:45:58:

In Reply to: Re: Mine Safety and Bush posted by manualblock on January 23, 2006 at 14:19:02:

On the side I have never seen a president with so many apologists for his incompetence. Whenever the Federal Government screws up the Bush fans run out to find a scapegoat. It's shamefull. He should be a man and accept his failures. The buck stops there; in the words of a real president. Stop apologising for his incompetence and lack of concern for the citizenry.

I make no apologies for Bush who I have never voted for and couldn't give two shits about.

My gripe is with those who mistakenly believe that the sun rises and sets on Washington, DC, and that if Washington isn't doing it, then it doesn't exist.

You said that due to the Bush administration (which conveniently leaves out the entire legislative branch which says something about your agenda here) safety is now almost non-existent in new mining operations.

That's just complete and utter bullshit. There are state laws, regulations and agencies which address issues of mine safety quite independently of the federal government, such that even if the federal government did nothing at all with regard to mine safety, your statement would still be complete and utter bullshit.

Your "buck stops here" comment while making for quaint political rhetoric ignores the fact that it is state and local government which has the greatest responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of its citizens.

If anyone is being an apologist here it is you, apologizing for those entities which have the greatest responsibility and subsequently the greatest culpability with regard to any lack of safety regulations and their enforcement that there may be here.



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