Re: Mine Safety and Bush

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on January 23, 2006 at 15:41:43:

In Reply to: Re: Mine Safety and Bush posted by Steve Eddy on January 23, 2006 at 14:45:58:

The President appoints his cabinet members and those positions in the federal government involving the regulatory agencies. Thats what an incoming administration does. He appointed the secretary of the In terior who oversees this administration. It is not the Congress who does this and it is not the states. It is the president and his cabinet.
So much for my agenda and your understanding of government. Of course this is politically motivated; the president's hiree's failed; he's a politician hence the political component of this post.
The regulatory bodies stem from the executive branch and it is their reponsibility to insure that the regulations are in place and enforced not the states, nothing to do with rising or setting suns; just with doing your job.
As far as my post being bullshit I will offer you the same courtesy.
The safety measures required by all of the rest of the worlds mining industry are watered down by the Bush administration. Do some research.


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