Re: Jobs Americans are unwilling to do

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Posted by akhilesh [ ] on December 01, 2005 at 14:54:25:

In Reply to: Re: Jobs Americans are unwilling to do posted by manualblock on November 30, 2005 at 10:55:31:

"On the news just now they are stateing the results of a new study about anchor babies; those children born here of illegal parents. The study say's one out of ten newborns in this country are born to illegals. And now their parents have rights of citizenship by virtue of the children."

Actually, John, parents don't automatically get citizenship or green cards just because they give birth here. After the child turns 18, he/she can sponsor the parents. That's a long wait!

I think your point about doing this to drive wages down is interesting. What is even more interesting is that most right leaning folk are possibly even MORE dead set against this amnesty idea of Bush than lefties. This is an issue that transcends party lines, and unless COngress stands up to Bush on this one, they will be in trouble.


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