Re: Jobs Americans are unwilling to do

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on December 01, 2005 at 19:35:42:

In Reply to: Re: Jobs Americans are unwilling to do posted by akhilesh on December 01, 2005 at 14:54:25:

Yes thats correct; the Anchor Baby thing. We had a guest worker program here since 1934 called the Bracero Program. Never worked and some say it was the impetus for the current flood of people crossing the border like it doesn't even exist.
I don't see anything as a right or left issue. Thats always been the hardest point to get across to people. What do I care if you call something a right or a left. Those labels exist in order to divert attention from what really matters. It is really a money issue like everything else is.
Look at the lobbiest's in Washington who are pushing this guest worker program. All fronting for the corporate interests. They have no allegience to any political point of veiw except how to make more money.


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