Re: Jobs Americans are unwilling to do

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on November 30, 2005 at 10:55:31:

In Reply to: Re: Jobs Americans are unwilling to do posted by akhilesh on November 30, 2005 at 09:31:17:

Absolutely. Their motives are so transparent; driving down wages for the rest of the working population. There is a huge debate here about illegal hiring sites; where illegals gather to wait for contractors to cruise by and pick them up. No citizens allowed, you will not be hired. One guy was photographing the standees for a newspaper and in front of a dozen illegal, unlawfull aliens the cops gave the photographer a ticket for creating a nuisance. There were later found an escaped felon in the crowd that was photographed.
I had some work done in my home last year and two guys shopwed up to do the work; both undocumented. One guy complained because he doesn't like dogs and I have one. The dog did not approach either guy but he still refused to work. The contractor called to complain.
I asked for green cards; he changed his tune real fast.
You have a legitimate and serious complaint. Why are people of repute and responsibility like yourself punished by forcing you to undergo such rigorous requirements while others waltz in like they own the place.
Bush speaks with forked tongue; he doesn't care about the real issue's; he just wants to keep labor cost's down for his corporate sponsors.
On the news just now they are stateing the results of a new study about anchor babies; those children born here of illegal parents. The study say's one out of ten newborns in this country are born to illegals. And now their parents have rights of citizenship by virtue of the children.


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