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Posted by manualblock [ ] on November 12, 2005 at 17:07:02:

In Reply to: Re: BTW posted by Mr Vinyl on November 12, 2005 at 14:46:34:

My friend; count the number of times the word "Liberal" comes up in any discussion involving these three you name. Count the number of times you hear the same ten sentences repeated endlessly. It's draining to be redundant. The people who I am familiar with who you might want to call liberal's are either too busy to listen to radio talk shows all day or they are far too advanced in their thinking to tolerate the superficiality and redundancy of the repitition displayed on these programs. I used to listen to Bob Grant for a couple hours each day.
I don't know if you are familiar with him but Rush stole his whole act and persona. Grant was a very hardcore conservative; his famous tag line was "Get Off MY Phone!" whenever he was insulted by the stupidity of a caller. But he was never boring/superficial/repetitive and so I liked to listen to him. William F. Buckley is one of my all time favorites in terms of political commentary and I always read the National Review. He too is thoughtfull and analytical.
Thats my problem; these other three bore the living crap out of me. They are simplistic and hyper-verbal to no effect.
If you actually analyse a paragraph at random; it is empty of meaning. Try it sometime and we can walk through it too see what exactly the individual is saying.
BTW; I like Pat Buchanan; never afraid to be controversial to his power base or to take chances provoking his audience to think.


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