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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on November 12, 2005 at 14:46:34:

In Reply to: Re: BTW posted by manualblock on November 12, 2005 at 14:16:51:

Look in order to have a discussion you have to give some kind of facts. You can't just say something and not back it up. How can a church leader force it's church members to vote or campaign for a political party? Also what are you trying to say? If this did occur it's only happening with Republicans? You know African Americans are pretty religious and they vote almost exclusively for Democrats? Isn't it "Rev" Sharpton and "Rev" Jackson? Same with the Jewish people. I'm not sure what your compliant is.

You may not like Ann Coulter but she is anything but boring. I find her intelligent and very funny at times. But to each his own. William Buckley is great (see link). He's still around. Both Ann Coulter and Buckley (as well as Rush and Hannity) are very good IMO. But I can understand why you wouldn't like them. I can't stand liberal commentators. I do listen to a few but mostly just for the laughs. I really can't stand their negativity. All they do is name call. Sure Rush makes up names for the Dems but it's funny (to me and obviously many other people. He was just given a 300 million dollar contract. The largest in history). Rush is trying to be funny by making fun of the Dems. Rush is never angry. Neither are the other conservatives mentioned here. But every liberal I have listened to is very angry and nasty. Of course you may view them differently. Notice how almost no liberal radio talk show host can make it? It's because they have no concept of facts. Just name call and bitch about Bush. Nobody wants to listen to negativity all day. How is Air America doing lately?


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