Re: You used the word "forced"...

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on November 13, 2005 at 12:00:26:

In Reply to: You used the word "forced"... posted by Mr Vinyl on November 13, 2005 at 08:35:22:

You are correct regarding Black voters who do disproportionally vote the Democratic ticket due to their religous affiliation. But they only make up 8% of the vote.
The National Baptist Council gives it's parishoners a recommendation regarding the vote for every election. Same with many of the other fundementalist organisations. You know that.
Thats fine if that recomendation was a carefully thought out examination of all of the issues. But we know it isn't.
Regardless; no organisation that promotes any political position should be awarded a tax relief.
The internet is actually hurting your cause. The vast amount of information trotted out on a daily basis has fractionalised the Republican Power base and allowed many who would not have been exposed to the reality of this administration to see the effects of their policies. The constant repetitive drone of Liberal; Liberal has resulted in the semantic satiation effect manifesting in control subjects. The inhibition-extinction process that results in loss of meaning will eventually; as is happening with much of the marketted message endlessly repeated by the political hucksters like Rush, is filtering the impact of the keywords used by these salesmen.
This is a well known phenomena observed very seriously by ad and marketing researchers.
So please; do us a favor and keep hammering away at those critical stimuli. The semantic satiation effect will do our work for us.


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