Re: 2 B A Drug Addict in NO

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Posted by Cheetah [ ] on September 05, 2005 at 10:22:06:

In Reply to: Re: 2 B A Drug Addict in NO posted by manualblock on September 05, 2005 at 07:27:05:

Government is inept at all levels. When this is over and people begin to take the aftermath and response apart and analyse them; not Bush, not Blanco, not Nagin. All levels of government failed here. That has been my point all along. I don't see pointing a finger at any one individual and saying why didn't you do more? What took so long?

And what of the people who refused to go? Yes there were some who could not. Those who were/are sick, infirmed, the old and feeble, the young who are wards of the state, the list goes on. I saw yesterday that over 230,000 had been evacuated from NO. And only God knows how many more they will find, when they start going door to door. You simply can't make a case that this many people simply couldn't find a way out.

No, a very large number a people chose to stay: the reasons are varied and their own: and ride this one out. They gamble with their lives and lost. My heart breaks because of the conditions these people had to endure. But the fault is their own.

I guess what I am saying is this. We, you, me, all of us are damn idiots if we are depending on the government to take care of us. Ultimately I am responsible for my self. Not the mayor. Not the governor. Not the president. ME! If it had been my family, and we had the advanced notice of what was coming, you can bet that I would have gotten them us out. Some way some how. Even if I had to walk. I would have gotten my brood out.

Those who could not help them selves, Yes; we as a society have a responsiblitiy to help. We didn't. Our social services failed. Government failed. We all failed to make preparation for what we all knew was coming, eventually.

Bottom line. If I allow government to have the responsibility for my welfare and safe keeping, then there is much personal freedom I must also relinquish. No one can be saddled with responsibility without the authority to back it up. Be it government or private individuals. Since government is enept, as the response to Katrina so vividly illustrates, I will not depend on them for the well being of mine. I will look after them. But, I also need to get government out of my life, to allow me to do the things I need to do, to prepare.

The debate in this country needs to change. We are missing the point as we all discuss how and why the government response failed. The debate should be who is more able to protect me and mine when disaster comes. Government, all levels? Hardly!



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