Re: 2 B A Drug Addict in NO

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on September 05, 2005 at 07:27:05:

In Reply to: Re: 2 B A Drug Addict in NO posted by Cheetah on September 04, 2005 at 12:04:50:

Where are you speaking of? Also the Guard is National. Any President can mobilise the gaurd; look at Iraq.
I see after perusing the papers Sunday that the spin is desperately revolving around placing blame on the locals. I think; and this is only my opinion, that the concept that Bush and company are so completely inept and so fixed on getting their agenda across in congress is frightening to Americans on so many levels that even supposedly sober-minded individuals are willing to allow some shifting of responsibility if only so that we don't look so pathetic around the globe.
Thinking you have a leader who has no concern for his people and is essentially a puppet for the monied interests is very unsettling to many folks. What happens when the next disater strikes; it could be you.


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