Table saw recommendations?

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Posted by crazychile [ ] on March 29, 2004 at 07:47:09:

I am totally inexperienced when it comes to woodworking. I have a small Delta 10in. table saw but it wont work for cutting 4x8 sheets of wood accurately. After a breif search it looks like there isn't a fence available for it that will do what I want.

So I am wondering what you guys like for table saws and what features I should look for. Model #'s would be helpfull also. I really just want the ability to make speaker boxes and I'll probably try to rebuild my kitchen cabinets at some time. Heres the catch, I really don't want to spend more than $500 if possible. Can this be done or am I dreaming?

The local autosound installer had a saw once that was set up like a big easel where the saw moved vertically to cut the 4x8 sheet that was also vertical. It seemed pretty accurate. Is something like that in my price range?

Any info appreciated!


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